Kafayat Quadri – Lawyer, Musician and Poet

Dr. Kafayat Quadri’s dream was to study psychology but instead she ended up studying law at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife, Nigeria. She also holds a Masters Degree in Comparative Criminal Law and a Doctorate Degree in International Criminal Law from the International Islamic University, Malaysia. .

Beyond her law degree, Dr. Kafayat is a talented musician and poet. She started composing songs at age 10 and learnt how to play the guitar at age 13. Her first musical performance was at a bar in Abuja while at the Abuja Law School. She thereafter went on to perform as an opening act for various stage plays at Terra Kulture for about 11 months. Dr. Kafayat has performed at book launches for a number of authors including Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche.

Dr. Kafayat has also performed in various countries including Malaysia, Egypt and India and loves to travel and meet new people.

Her life’s goal is to be a citizen of the world, to heal people with her guitar and give hope and love to internally displaced and marginalized persons across the globe.

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