Adetola Ayanru – Lawyer and Founder The Wills Writers

Adetola Ayanru is a lawyer who currently specializes in succession actualization. Her job is done when the desires of her clients who have made adequate arrangements in respect of the transmission of their wealth are fulfilled and where such arrangements have not been made, to ensure that the provisions of the law as it concerns intestacy are applied.

Although Adetola wanted to study international relations, her mother chose law for her instead by completing her JAMB Form on her behalf. In spite of this , studying law for Adetola was quite a breeze. She didn’t have any difficulty passing exams because she was very good at memorizing her class notes.

Beyond her law degree, Adetola is also the founder of The Wills Writers, a platform through which she creates awareness on the benefits and modalities of proper wealth transmission. Her desire is to change the negative perception and approach that most people have towards wills writing and estate planning, especially in Nigeria. She hopes that someday, people will realize that in the business of wealth transmission, there are no losers. Her advise to every adult is to write a will as soon as they begin to acquire assets, whether personal or real. According to Adetola, a will can be lodged within 2 to 3 hours at the Probate Registry. 2 to 3 hours because you need to go to the designated Bank to make the payment and obtain a physical receipt for lodgment. This will certainly be reduced to a few minutes when the digitalization process is complete.

Her advise to everyone who wants to follow their passion is “To start very early ,  narrow down on what you desire to achieve in life and put all your energy and focus into the achievement of that dream/passion”.


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