Fola Alade – Lawyer and Mediation Expert

If you are looking for an expert in dispute resolution, then look no further. I present Fola Alade Esq., ASCMA (UK), a firm believer in dispute resolution and the Principal Partner at FOTEFA PARTNERS, a full- service commercial law firm in Nigeria.

Fola always wanted to study law and got his inspiration from an old series called “Matlock”. His ability to talk himself out of any tight situation also helped to cement his decision to study law.

However, studying law was very tough as he was distracted. Having a low attention span and not being able to read for more than two hours were not in his best interest as a law student. Coupled with this he was a “proper party rocker” and it took several “carry overs” and an extra year before he got things right. It is no surprise therefore that his call to the Nigerian Bar is still the highest point of his life.

Mediation is Fola’s core area of practice and his interest in this area of dispute resolution emanated from his more than ten years of active practice in litigation. However, one of his major issues with litigation is the concept of victory in real term vis a vis the number of years it takes you to achieve the victory. His interest in mediation was however sealed when he was able to resolve in less than seven hours a dispute that had spanned over two years.

Fola’s advice to anyone willing to listen is to choose mediation over litigation for some of the following reasons:

a. Litigation is slow, expensive and more often than not, destroys relationships as a result of the victor- vanquish mentality; and

b. Litigation removes control of the dispute from parties, first by vesting it in the lawyers and then in the court’s administration and management system.

If Fola wasn’t a Lawyer, then he will be a full-fledged business man. He says “there is just this unexplainable joy that comes with making money from several streams of income.”

On following your passion as a lawyer , Fola says “There is a level of abstraction ascribed to the business and the practice of law as one cannot feel or see it. The moment one discovers his niche, he/she should learn to be a master at it.”


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