Kunle Okediran ( “Craftainkunoks”) – Lawyer and Artist

Craftainkunoks is the artist who creates, amazing, captivating, beautiful and oh-so-intriguing handmade cards, paintings and drawings. Art is what he enjoys doing and he says that there is absolutely nothing like feeling the flow of creativity and seeing that what you have done has being able to move people intellectually or emotionally.

Craftainkunoks started creating art back in Nesto College, Oyo , Nigeria where he had all his class notes designed with different imaginative drawings and representations. With creativity, excellence and consistency he has been able to keep up with art and even turn it into a thriving business. Sometimes, his inspiration is from the vulnerability of the subject in question or the way light plays on it. At other times, it’s a stirring on his inside that brings about an invention.

Kunle Okediran on the other hand is the litigation lawyer whose most memorable moment was when he was called to the Nigerian bar. It is no surprise that as a “lawyartist” he has a bias for Intellectual Property (“IP”) law and hopes to practice as an IP lawyer, protecting the intellectual works of artists and authors from infringements in the near future.

Being a litigation lawyer, Kunle enjoys the challenge and variety of fact patterns, figuring out the peculiarity of each case and how to formulate a claim or a defense to a claim. However, like in any other career, he faces challenges in his practice of law, some of which are the continued and constant variation of new practice areas, as well as the almost daily development of new laws. Despite all of these challenges, he finds it most satisfying that he can provide representation and succeed in upholding the rights of the common man.

Kunle confesses that being a lawyer and artist is a lot of work but he says it all balls down to time management. In his words, if you prioritize and cut down the time you spend on less important activities, you will realize you can do more in twenty four hours.

In his spare time, Kunle plays with babies in his neighborhood. According to him, “they bring happiness.”

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