Michael Sanni ( “MC Lively”) – Lawyer and Comedian

Michael Sanni is one comedian whose skits (which are very practical and relatable), leave you in stitches everytime you watch them. .

As you may already know, Michael is also a lawyer. He studied law at the Obafemi Awolowo University and was subsequently called to the Nigerian Bar. However, Michael never wanted to study law. He however realised early enough that with the right exposure and connections, his training as a lawyer could provide him with the right foundation on which to build his dreams.

Michael developed an interest in comedy pretty early. By the time he was 12 years old he had a sizable collection of comedy compact discs. He also made it a point of duty to surround himself with funny friends. One of such friends named him MC Lively due to his lively nature and ability to make people laugh. It is therefore no surprise that Michael decided to pursue a career in comedy in 2015.

Michael’s goals in life include being one of the best actors and comedians in the world. He is also working on his comedy talk show-Live and Laugh which he hopes would be aired around the world by 2020/2021.

If Michael wasn’t a lawyer or a comedian, he’d be a musician. His secret wish is to have a good voice so he can pursue a career in music as well.

His advice for lawyers who want to pursue their passion is to start early as law is a demanding career. It may therefore be challenging to build a career and follow your passion at the same time. .


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