Oto Tom – Lawyer and Travel Blogger ( “The Wakaholic”)

Oto Tom has travelled to 12 countries, including 4 Emirates in the UAE and 10 States in the USA. Needless to say she is a confirmed globe trotter. Oto is also a Lawyer, an Entrepreneur and a Philanthropist. She has an LL.M in Corporate and Commercial Law from the University of London International Programmes and her core area of practice is Company Secretarial Practice and Corporate Restructuring.

Traveling has always been Oto’s passion and she did that locally. However, due to academic pursuits ahead of her, she could not afford to travel around the world at the time. When she started working, she finally saved enough money to take her first trip which inspired her to never stop traveling. Traveling has exposed Oto to new cultures, seeing how others live, connecting with people and discovering first-hand how vast and beautiful the world is. All these have been the greatest experiences of her life and led her to start her own travel blog – The Wakaholic.

Oto says traveling isn’t expensive or a luxury -infact it has little to do with money and more to do with courage. Courage to make sacrifices, save, deny yourself of certain things you may really want so you can afford that dream trip. The question is – how important is that trip to you?.

Oto’s travel tips for anyone who wants to travel are , start planning early, travel in low season, take advantage of promotions and deals, travel like a local, shun taxis and use the public transport system, find budget-friendly accommodation and eat local.

When Oto is not traveling, she is busy in the kitchen cooking up a storm or practicing her yoga moves.

Her advice for lawyers who want to follow their passion is – “you are full of abundance and must not go to the grave without exhausting all that is in you – die empty!”

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