Oyindamola Eva Johnson – Lawyer, Writer and Performing Artist

Oyindamola Eva Johnson is a multi-talented human – poet, singer, actress, dancer, but she is first of all a lawyer.

Oyindamola didn’t set out to study law, but like everyone in life, at one point, she had to weigh her options. After eliminating all the careers she didn’t want to pursue and bearing in mind her passion for justice, she decided to pursue a career in law.

Born with a talent for dancing, Oyindamola won dancing competitions at parties and always went home with gifts and a big smile. Her talent for acting on the other hand was discovered when she was given the opportunity by good people like her godmother, Mrs. Segun- Williams. Poetry was discovered while studying literature in High School and she has never looked back since then.

Working weekdays as an oil and gas lawyer, in a top law firm in Lagos and performing most nights and weekends, Oyindamola is constantly juggling many balls. But passion keeps her going albeit on fumes, sometimes. When Oyindamola is not practicing law or performing, she hardly has time to do anything else. Nevertheless, she does find time to spend with family.

Oyindamola believes that mentorship is important and for now she has two mentors – her mother, who she describes as an enigma and Maya Angelou, who she says is a phenomenal woman. .

If Oyindamola wasn’t a lawyer, she would  be a teacher as she loves imparting knowledge in any way she can. It is therefore no surprise that she’d be starting a performing arts school for kids very soon. .

Her advice for lawyers who want to follow their passion is “In and out of the legal space – be the very best version of yourself professional and otherwise. Keep reading, learning and creating.”




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