Vanessa Nnanna – Lawyer and CEO Tourmate Travels Limited

Vanessa Nnanna is one gifted human. Or how else do you describe one person who is a great dancer, was an A student all through secondary school and is a talented hairstylist. To top it all, she is a lawyer and founder of Tourmate Travels Limited – a travel company operating from Lagos, Nigeria.

As with any lawyer, Vanessa earned her degree and started her professional career. But she also wanted a side hustle; one that didn’t involve buying and selling goods. Five years later, she decided to start a business doing what she loves to do – traveling , exploring and gaining new experiences.

Through Tourmate, Vanessa acts as a tour guide and takes people on tours around Nigeria and the world in comfort and style at very affordable costs. In 2017, Tourmate organized trips to three destinations in Lagos -Omu Resort in October 2017, Tarkwa Bay in November 2017 and Ultimate Paintball Arena in December 2017. In 2018, there are upcoming tours outside Lagos as well as a tour to Accra, Ghana in June.

One of the major challenges that Vanessa faces with Tourmate is getting people to make their payments early as Nigerians always leave everything till the last minute. But as with every difficulty, she believes that this is surmountable.

Vanessa’s career as a lawyer has influenced her running Tourmate as it has sharpened her analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills, giving her a new perspective of the world which makes her extra careful in planning her trips . It has also helped her become an excellent writer which is very helpful when reporting on the tours. It has also helped to build her network as many of her clients are lawyers and friends of lawyers.

Vanessa’s plan for Tourmate is to expand its tours to the whole of Africa by next year and to all countries on the planet in the coming years. Its services would also expand to flight bookings and hotel reservations in the nearest future.

If Vanessa wasn’t a lawyer, she’d probably be a lecturer or teacher. In her spare time, she does a lot of research, just so she can know a little about everything. She’s also working on writing for a Travel Magazine.

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